Escaped everywhere,
trying to get your breath and looking everywhere for a solution

Knocking all doors

Even if any opening you don’t find what you expected and find no way …
How can it go on?

Behind all this walls of struggles, problems, conflicts, confusion, emotions fighting, thoughts that admitting ENERGY is the LIFE and changing your energy changing the whole life

Start now and heal yourself
Create the best version – your REAL YOU

Radiate to the universe channel
The only door you never knocked before is YOURS reaching your life gate it where’s all the keys lie


Mona Salah

  That’s me.

I grew up in a family of pharmacists with our own pharmacy. There I learned a lot about diseases and diagnoses.
I started to recognize Diagnose is the KEY for getting recovered. In this time I began to understand where the real problem lies with the patient, what can help them.

Then I started studying Business Administration and Economics. I remember that my Mentor gave me my first principles.
In this business world I learned to find quick and efficient solutions to problems and to assert myself among male colleagues. I developed myself with bigger assignments and projects until real knowing, optimal Solutions,
truthful Investment Leadgreat continuing success.

A very hidden Enlightenment trip was always accompanying all the previous.
When Light started to be revealed I started studying, feeling, within the Spirituality – the Secret GOD Essence-
where I was guided.


From the Highest Perspective of Energy, the Law of the universe, the law of Cause and Effect the greatest meaning who can lead you to the optimal, efficient, remedies, breakeven point etc… which all the whole summarized in and seeking for.



Hear your inner child, can laugh till he found his truth, let your armor away & be open yourself  & heal your soul.



What you think is fire, that’s the light, don’t fear, you never work alone.

reveal your truth



We are not chasing, we are tune to the vibrations

About Arielle

How does a healing session work?
a session from 1.30 to 2 hours

it is an amazing combination between
therapy, energy healing removing all blockages
and cleaning your energies in all levels –
physically, emotionally, mentally, ethically

meditation which will amazingly resolve to heal in all aspects

Please bring your headphones, no makeup, for woman or girl

Have a quiet private place with no disturbance
some water to drink

come with an open mind to find a NEW YOU

Enjoy the Divine blessings – GOD IS WITHIN YOU


Thank you for your trust
Mona Salah


Not only one face for the COIN use them All

Welcome to our First series #Arielle #knockyourdoor
Overcome your own personal #covid.

Once upon a time,
when we were young there was a very primitive test for developing children facing their problems not escaping from them as they will stay until they solve them

THE TEST, was asking the child to close his eyes and let him visualize he’s in the forest alone and SUDDENLY !
A lion appeared to get in his way and this will EAT him by anyway and u ask him what will be his choice??
He will face him or escaping considering he’ll be eaten by any way by facing you may find the way even if 1 %.

Blessing upon everything
Mona Salah

„KNOCK  YOUR DOOR“ on facebook

Subscribe for Spiritual healing and soul empowerment

In addition

Have you or anyone of your loved ones diagnosed by Coronavirus?
If yes get them recovered by booking healing treatments in addition to their medicine. This will helping them tab into their self-healing power getting recovered very fast with God blessings!

Book your energy recovering sessions now

Email Address

Call Me

Whatsapp and Viber
+20 106 86 96 058